Voted Best Art Gallery!

The votes are in... 
and we are very pleased to announce that Gray Loft Gallery received "Best Art Gallery" in the
Oakland Magazine Readers' Choice Award!!! 
We are honored and humbled to receive this amazing vote of support. 
Join us for a celebration on July 14th at our
2nd Friday reception for the next exhibit Amy Sollins: Introspective!

Thank you!!!

Common Ground Review

Creative Confidential

The world according to Barbosa Prince


Common Ground - Group Show at Gray Loft Gallery

Second Fridays Art Walk @Gray Loft Gallery in Oakland yesterday was a wonderful surprise. The current show is a group show that includes Larry Davidson, Philip Dow, Katie Hawkinson, Joe Slusky, Jon Wessel, John Wood and Hadley Williams.

A great selection of artists who are all in tune creatively. I was particularly drawn to the work of Hadley Williams who fields of bio-forms set off slight visual vibrations. The work is very serene yet emits a visual buzz. There is also an attention to surface that is very well executed.

John Wood’s paintings also emit a visual vibration to them. His use of line and color is brilliantly demonstrated in the series of paintings at Gray Loft. Although chaotic his use line seemingly creates hidden images that are juxtaposed against heavy strokes of color laid in a guttural fashion. The resulting paintings are reminiscent of a work that is in mid-deconstruction

Philip Dow’s sculptures are produced with a blend of materials including cast acrylic which plays a prominent role. Dow manages to create works that entice the viewer to experience the piece from a variety of angles because of the large sections of acrylic that have a Fun House prism element to them. The work is playful as well as visually powerful in his blending of materials and juxtaposition of surface qualities.

Katie Hawkinson is pushing paint in the tradition of bay area abstraction. Heavy strokes and thick paint that detail the history of her process. Some of her works include figures of birds that appear on the canvas out of the brush work.  Hawkinson create fields and then defies them with new applications of paint. She builds some wonderful abstract landscapes and then counteracts them with planes of color. I love her abandon use of paint with drips and brush marked strokes.

I recommend taking the time to go down and see all the work in this show. Curator Jan Watten has a assembled and strong collection of artists who are creating compelling work. Gray loft Gallery should be on your list of galleries to visit in the Oakland Jingletown area.

COMMON GROUND is open April 1- – May 16th, 2015. Their next reception is Saturday May 16, 2015 3 – 5pm (There will be a Rock Wall Wine Company tasting.)

Written by Gary-Paul Barbosa Prince Posted in ArtworkcreativityEventsReviews